[VIDEO] I Met the Walrus – John Lennon Interview
In 1969, a 14-year-old Beatles fan named Jerry Levitan sneaked into John Lennon’s hotel room in Toronto and convinced him to do an interview. MUST SEE!!
In 1969, a 14-year-old Beatles fan named Jerry Levitan sneaked into John Lennon’s hotel room in Toronto and convinced him to do an interview. MUST SEE!!
When the world ‘out there’ feels like it’s spinning out of your control, take a deep breath and read through this funny, thought-provoking list of the beautiful things we are ALWAYS in control of.
A simple, yet profound classroom experiment on discrimination. Filmed in 1970 but as relevant as ever. Watch and share!
Watch this 1-minute video to feel happier, kinder and more loved right now!
A 3rd Eye Kiss can be an uplifting experience. Kiss the center of the forehead (between their brows but slightly up a bit) with a thought of compassion for that person. It activates the pineal and pituitary gland of the person and brings them a sense of security and well-being. Try it with friends and family you love and care for. It can be very healing. You will find the mention of this in many ancient scriptures, but don’t take their word for it. The more you do it, the more you will see results. Try and find out!
“When a woman is in touch with her unbounded ecstasy, her infinite capacity for love and her clairvoyant potential, she will be ripe and ready to give birth to a world where life overflows with joy, dance, song, love and beauty. I see such a world on the horizon….”
— Mahasatvaa Ananda Sarita