Category: Videos

[VIDEO] Achieving Perfect Health (Bashar)

“These ideas are simply the foundation of health, and if you will allow yourself to recognize that these are very simple things that can be added to your life, you will understand that in, shall we just say for analogy sake, 99.9999999999999% of the cases, these 6 ideas alone will eliminate almost any chance you will ever have of contracting any kind of disease in your life at all.”
– Bashar

[VIDEO] Hey, Are You a Dreamer? Then You Should Watch “Waking Life”

Transcending the boundaries of technology and imagination, “Waking Life” is a revolutionary breakthrough in film animation. In “Waking Life,” Wiley Wiggins (“Dazed and Confused”) travels through a series of encounters and observations in a world that may or may not be reality.

[VIDEO] How to Raise Your Vibration

Consciousness and vibrational frequency go hand in hand. When you’re in a low frequency, you’re in a decreased state of consciousness and your perception is limited. When you’re in a high frequency, you’re in an increased state of consciousness and your perception is heightened.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira