Resign Yourself to the Influence of the Earth
“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.”
—Henry David Thoreau
[VIDEO] Achieving Perfect Health (Bashar)
“These ideas are simply the foundation of health, and if you will allow yourself to recognize that these are very simple things that can be added to your life, you will understand that in, shall we just say for analogy sake, 99.9999999999999% of the cases, these 6 ideas alone will eliminate almost any chance you will ever have of contracting any kind of disease in your life at all.”
– Bashar
Happiness is a Choice, Not a Result
Happiness is a choice – not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you. – Ralph Marston
11 Random Truths About #Truth
The truth can set you free. Here are 11 random (but note-worthy) truths about Truth.
[VIDEO] Running to the Future
“I was looking out of the window in New York and everybody was rushing around, almost running. Everybody seemed to be in a state of intense nervous tension, anxiety. It’s suffering, really, but it’s not recognized as suffering. And I thought, where are they all running to? And of course, they are all running to the future. They are needing to get somewhere, which is not here. It is a point in time: not now—then. They are running to a then. They are suffering, but they don’t even know it.”
– Eckhart Tolle
A Gentle Awakening
Whenever you hear or read something of a spiritual nature that moves you, that touches your soul… you are not learning something new, you are remembering something you have always known. It is a gentle awakening.
The Greatest Game There Is
Life can be made a game, a very interesting and enjoyable game, and it is simple. Get into the spirit of life. It’s the greatest game there is.
New Year’s Wishes
Happy New Year! May we leave behind all the physical, emotional and spiritual baggage that is holding us back. May we let go of old systems and beliefs that are no longer working for us. May we focus less on problems and more on solutions. May we shift our attention to what we want rather than what we don’t want. May we learn to awaken and become the most perfect version of ourselves that we can be. May we find peace within, and then reflect it outwards for all to see.

Bring Yourself Home